December 2022 Update
“On the 12th day of Christmas, my TRUE LOVE gave to me…”
As Peter and I look back over this “unusual” year, we’re aware our blessings FAR outweigh any challenges! In fact, it has been our “annus mirabilis,” a Year of Miracles. In commemoration, here’s our rendition of the 12 GIFTS our Heavenly Father has showered upon us!
The 12th Day: The GIFT of Divine Healing. Four months post-bypass surgery, Peter is raring to go! In celebration, he competed in the Thanksgiving Day YMCA Turkey Trot Fun Run, surrounded by families with little kids and strollers. (Psssst! He maintains he came in first of the “walkers,” and he may well be correct, as he ruthlessly disqualified anybody who ran even a single step, including the toddlers!)
The 11th Day: The GIFT of Skilled Physicians. In addition to having his “engine” retooled, Peter had two cataract surgeries and an arthroscopic knee procedure, thereby adding new “headlights” and a patched “tire” to his physical refurbishment. We are deeply grateful for the Godly surgeons, PA’s, physical therapists, and nursing staff who use their skills in the ministry of healing. We felt in divinely inspired hands...especially as more than one of his surgeons quoted us scripture!
The 10th Day: The GIFT of Friends and Family. It’s hard to express how grateful we were to have been so warmly welcomed at Peter and Patty's home in Dallas, and Jay and Mary's in Goldsboro. We also had a host of mentors, advisors, friends who loaned us equipment, a car ("Abby's Blessing,") and a recliner, as well as willing listeners who helped us negotiate this healing journey. “…and there is a friend that sticketh closer than a brother.” Proverbs 18:24
The 9th Day: The GIFT of Ministry Supporters: Over the years, we’ve had Kingdom-building supporters put roofs on churches, pay for fish tanks, set up pig projects, sponsor gardens, supply water filters after disasters, underwrite emergency food distribution, sponsor micro-loans for pastors, purchase and send school supplies and uniforms, and respond generously to specific needs wherever and whenever they arose. We’ve also been blessed with loyal and faithful monthly supporters who quietly underwrite ongoing food for the Children’s Rescue Homes and education centers as well as discipleship training and indigenous pastor support. Even while we’ve been holed up in Dallas, funds that keep Kingdom work rolling have arrived faithfully. What a gift!
The 8th Day: The GIFT of Rescued Children. While much of Myanmar is in turmoil due to civil warfare (the fiery photo I’ve included was sent to me by a pastor and is taken of a devastated neighboring village) there are Godly men and women who’ve devoted their lives to raising and educating mountain children who were at high risk to be trafficked. The sacrifices made are staggering. Imagine being a single woman totally responsible for the care, safety, and education of close to 40 children of various ages who get sick, misbehave, complain, and have nightmares just like ours do? And yet, this pastor will share her children’s Christmas celebrations with the local villagers! (Photos in January.) Please continue to pray for their safe relocation to a compound where the internet is available.
The 7th Day: The GIFT of Education. When we left MaeSai, a Brazilian husband and wife and a Burmese pair (both missionary couples trained in disciple making and actively involved in discipling) teamed up to expand their Learning Center, aiming to help the many illegal Burmese children who are in Thailand due to Covid border closings. Their school has blossomed from 7 children to over 100 who are desperate for any kind of education! I’ve asked for your prayers for this group before, and I’m pleased to report that the violent, threatening, knife-wielding neighbor has calmed down and peace reigns. How great is our LORD!
The 6th Day: The GIFT of Food Provision. Thankfully, American dollars go a very L-O-N-G way when it comes to purchasing food in Asia, and, as you know, it’s a big focus for us. Hungry kids can’t comprehend how much Jesus loves them when their bellies are empty. A friend wrote and asked me just exactly how far her donation would stretch, and I thought I’d share the answer here. One of the packages (there are several variations,) that our teams will hand out this Christmas contains 5 kilos of rice, 2 cans of tuna, 1 bottle of oil, 1 container of salt, 1 package regular noodles, 1 package yellow Burmese noodles, 1 kilo of sugar, 1 small snack, 1 chocolate, all packed in a plastic bag. This food gift costs a little over $8.00 USD and lasts a family (depending on how many children they have) nearly a week. Teams will be handing out dozens of such family packages along with the Gospel message in celebration of our Lord’s birth.
The 5th Day: The GIFT of Purpose. When we first learned of Peter’s medical delays, I’ll admit I was both frustrated and dismayed. Full disclosure: I “plan-and-go” much more easily than I “pray-and-wait.” But God has been faithful, helping us use the time to assist other ministries, refine our training, slow down and assess what we’re doing and correct our course, reconnect with family, and slowly recuperate. At last, we actually have tickets in hand to return to Thailand February 22nd, God willing, to continue disciple making.
The 4th Day: The GIFT of Training. Our faithful pastor in the Dominican Republic, Jaime, who is involved in multiple ministries 24/7, continues to train disciples to make disciples, particularly in the Haitian churches. His only problem? Well, he can’t say “No.” Repeatedly, he instructs the Haitian pastors that they MUST limit the number of participants to 30…and repeatedly, more than 70 show up! Jaime asks, “How do we turn them away, my Brother, when they want to obey Jesus?” How, indeed?
The 3rd Day: The GIFT of Discipleship. One of the greatest privileges ever given believers is to partner with the Lord to bring His Truth to everyone. Training disciples how to “make disciples who make disciples” is the focus of MissionzHeart’s ministry, and so we have been checking with the leaders of each training session to guesstimate how many souls have been added by regular believers who’ve learned how to share their witness and the story of Jesus. The numbers from the pastors who’ve replied so far are exciting, as all are reporting new believers brought in by relationship evangelism!
The 2nd Day: The GIFT of Prayer Partners. We don’t say often enough how much we appreciate you who support us with prayer covering. Your prayers during this time of waiting (…waiting…waiting…ahem!) have been deeply appreciated and tangibly felt. We entered into this whole “Peter Project” with a deep peace that can only emanate from one Source and we thank you sincerely for your petitions to His throne on our behalf.
And on the 1st Day of Christmas…The GIFT of The Fulfilled Promise....the birth of our LORD and Savior! And this, of course, is the greatest GIFT of all! As we prepare to celebrate Christmas, may we never forget the Reason for the Season; the arrival of the One destined to reconcile us to our Father!